
Research + Development + innovation 



The main research project, developed by R & D Department, looks at different ways to treat industrial wastewater.


In order to increase the company’s efficiency and competitive- ness in its various activities, resources have been allocated to R&D over the last few years, together with that of collaboration with external research institutions.


Espina & Delfín Ltd. is convinced that research is essential for sustainable and viable water management of drinking water, sanitation and purification of residual water. We are currently participating in state-of-the art projects on an international scale. Proof of this are these following projects:


“Conception of the Sewage treatment Plant of the 21st Century. Development, implementation and evaluation of technologies for the treatment and resources recovery from wastewaters” (NOVEDAR-CONSOLIDER). Coordinated by the Environmental and Bioprocess Engineering Group at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Espina & Delfín Ltd. has participated as a collaborator.


“Standard method and online tool for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants (ENERWATER)” (H2020-EE-2014-3 European project). Espina & Delfín Ltd. is part of a consortium formed by 9 national and international research companies. The objective is to establish methodologies that allow for streamlining exploitation operations for energy efficiency. This is an issue that comes under the framework of one of the 5 objectives for the European Union for 2020 (climate/energy)





La principal línea de investigación de los proyectos desarrollados por el departamento de I+D+i versan sobre las distintas posibilidades al tratamiento de aguas residuales industriales.


Con objeto de aumentar la eficacia y competitividad, en las distintas áreas de actividad de la empresa, durante los últimos años se han destinados recursos al desarrollo de distintos proyectos de I+D+i en colaboración con entidades externas de investigación.


La empresa Espina & Delfín S.L., convencida de que la investigación es una herramienta imprescindible para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible y viable de la gestión del agua potable, el saneamiento y la depuración de las aguas residuales, en la actualidad está participando en proyectos de vanguardia en el ámbito internacional. Ejemplo de ello son los proyectos:


“Conception of the Sewage Treatment Plant of the XXI Century. Development, implementation and evaluation of technologies for the treatment and resources recovery from wastewaters” (NOVEDAR-CONSOLIDER).


Coordinado por el grupo de Ingeniería Ambiental y Bioprocesos de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, en la cual la empresa Espina & Delfín, SL. ha participado como ente colaborador.


“Standard method and online tool for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants (ENERWATER)” (H2020-EE-2014-3, proyecto Europeo).


Espina y Delfín.S.L. forma parte del consorcio junto con otras 9 entidades de investigación nacionales e internacionales. El objetivo es establecer metodologías que permiten optimizar las operaciones de explotación referente a eficiencia energética, tema que se enmarca dentro de uno de los 5 objetivos planteados por la Unión Europea para el 2020 (clima/energía).


Research and development of a technology based on membrane contactors for the recovery of resources present in residual water” 


This project’s general objective is research, development and validation of a technology based on liquid-liquid contactor membranes that enable the recovery of ammonium, present in effluent at wastewater treatment plants, both industrial and urban, in a sustainable and economically viable way. This leads to its subsequent use as agricultural fertilizer.


This project has been financed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), and supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, with co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for Intelligent Growth, which has the aim of enhancing research, technological development and innovation. 

2015-2017 SHIAC ITC 20151250: Development of sanitation technologies for the reduction of biological risks in aquaculture”


The SHIAC project’s main objective is research and development in a comprehensive strategy that allows a reduction of biological risk in aquaculture by integrating a range of measures, both active and passive, for the prevention of pathologies, making a huge economic impact in the sector and providing more environmentally sustainable solutions to those currently employed in aquaculture.


Espina y Delfin, S.L. acts as partner of the business consortium carrying out a project which has been approved and subsidised by CDTI within the FEDER INNTERCONECTA 2015 framework.