Espina & Delfin understands Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as one activity more within our business plan. For us, this is a very active contribution which is focused on improving the quality of life in society, either financially, environmentally or by defending human rights. This volunteer spirit is bred into the genetics of our company.
We channel this energy through:
1. Team
Responsible management of the company’s human resources. This is achieved by promoting human equality, offering equal opportunities for all, without any discrimination, generating a good working atmosphere, professionally training our teams and continuously developing our health and safety programmes. This work ethic lends towards helping our employees improve not only their professional lives but also their personal lives.
2. Clients
Our services are wholly based on quality and stand out for being honest, transparent and reliable. This has been achieved by providing the best water management service possible. It is a management that is based on selecting the best for our business philosophy, commitments, and corporate policies. We mainly focus on a management based on minimising the negative impact on the social and environmental surroundings while enhancing the positive effects. We maintain solid ethical standards (good housekeeping, anti-corruption and transparency) in relationships with other actors and in the day to day operations. We assume responsibility for defective products, we carry out recycling programmes and we use clean, renewable energy.